Nearly a century ago, a group of couples from different faiths and backgrounds came together and forged an old English style church made from carefully selected stone. To this day, we proudly carry on their founding and timeless decree of being a congregation where everyone, regardless of your faith or background, is always welcome in our House of God.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Phone: 570-868-5358
3085 Church Rd., Mountain Top, PA 18707
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to be of help.
Everyone is Welcome.
From the first time we gathered back in 1926 until today, it has been our timeless decree.
Everyone is welcome to celebrate with us at 12:30 pm on Sunday
Homemade Candy Sale - orders are due no later than March 30th.
You may be surprised by the 10 things God won't ask you… and the things he will.
A safe places congregation
Copyright © STMARTINTIMELESS.ORG. All rights reserved.
3085 Church Rd., Mountain Top, PA 18707
Phone: 570-868-5358